Ryan and Jedeo’s Journey to Secure Stable Employment with Arjo
In just six months since starting their employment with Arjo, Jobedge participants Ryan and Jedeo have shown that anyone can…
Employers Read moreDuring these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jobedge is continuing to provide a unique approach to Disability Employment Services helping people with a physical or mental health condition, disability or injury reach their employment goals.
While we continue to work under the Mutual Obligation and health advice from the state and federal government, Our Job Coaches are still actively working with each Participant to assess their support needs.
People are responding to these challenging times in different ways, and Jobedge realises that our Participants also require alternate and tailored methods of support.
Many people are still very motivated to find work at the moment.
Our Job Coaches are continually monitoring local industries and employment activity to understand prospective opportunities for employment over this period. Exploring transferable skills and knowing how to demonstrate the application of these skills is a crucial part of securing employment.
Several of our Participants are struggling to leave their homes during the Pandemic, and many are needing local support to link to health professionals.
Job Coaches are working with these Participants to ensure they are managing their mental and physical health. During this time, we are providing support over the phone or via other IT platforms.
Still, we can also meet face to face in those exceptional circumstances where a Participant needs this support. Social distancing and safety measures are being adhered to at all times.
Jobedge is also working with employers to ensure they employ staff who will meet their needs.
Recently a Jobedge Participant was put forward to an employer only to be told the position had just been filled.
Our JobCoach was so sure our candidate was the right person for the role that she convinced the employer to look at the resume in case their recent hire was not successful.
After looking at the resume, the employer requested an interview and work trial for our Participant. Our Participant now has a job, and the employer has a highly-skilled, hard-working employee.
Jobedge also realises that employment is not the best option for some people in the current environment, especially for those who are vulnerable due to their chronic health conditions For people who are looking for employment, now is an excellent opportunity to upskill and prepare.
Jobedge has recently supported several Participants to pursue their educational goals as well as assisting with the costs associated with online and remote learning while in lockdown for IT equipment and even for the internet.
We are also supporting our Participants every step of the way to make sure they have a qualification under their belt when they can safely return to work with our Job Coaches while looking for employment.
Jobedge is a new vision for Disability Employment Services in South Australia that brings together the knowledge of experienced medical practitioners, Momenta, with the expertise of national employment services provider, PeoplePlus.
Contact us today on 1300 598 528 or email us at [email protected] to start your journey with Jobedge.