Mental health is an important topic, particularly here at Jobedge, where we meet and support participants on their mental health journeys.  

With October being Mental Health Month, we’re looking at addressing your situation with an employer. If you find your mental health is feeling some pressure, here are our tips for supporting your mental health at work and making those small changes to create a big difference in your life:

1. Reach out to Jobedge

Maintaining work with a disability or mental illness can be a challenge. Getting in touch with Jobedge can provide additional support to help you stay in work long term. Try reaching out to Jobedge to see how we can best support you.

2. Be prepared

Preparation is key, especially around your mental health. Knowing the areas you struggle with most and making preparations before these affect you could help lessen the impact. Try to get an earlier night, have snacks or a blanket ready at work, or let someone know how you feel to help protect yourself.

3. Find a trusted co-worker

We all need a little morale boost! Having a friend in the workplace can positively impact your mood at work and remove some of the anxiety that comes with working while struggling with your mental health. Is there someone you trust at work that you could reach out to?

4. Lighten your workload

When work gets busy, it can also ramp up the pressure in your home life. If you find yourself staying late, taking work home or struggling to keep up, you may be overworked. Talking to your manager about easing your current workload might give you more breathing room and help avoid burnout.

5. Change your routine

When do you like to get your work done? Changing when a task gets completed could help to protect your wellbeing. If something gives you anxiety the more you think about it, it may help to get it out of the way early. If you like having extra time to prepare, try to save your job for later in the day. How can you rearrange your day to run more smoothly?

6. Get some fresh air

When things get a bit stressful, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and feel overwhelmed. Moving away from your workspace to go for a walk or get some sunshine could help to reset your energy, and give you a much needed break before heading back to your work.

7. Let your manager know

This can be nerve-racking but filling your manager in on your mental health may help them to evaluate your daily tasks. Say as much as you’re comfortable with and ask if there is anything they can suggest for supporting you. Businesses want to keep their employees, so if there’s a way to improve your situation, it’s worth asking.

8. Take some time off

If your mental health is starting to impact your work, stepping back from responsibilities could help you get back on track. If you have some annual or sick leave saved, it might be time to recover with a few days off. By setting yourself back on a steady path, you have a better chance of returning to work feeling refreshed.

9. Lessen your hours

Keeping a balance between work and your personal life is key, and changing your work levels can help you maintain it. If reducing hours is accessible to you, it could lessen the strain on your long-term mental and physical health, keeping you in work for longer and creating a more sustainable routine.

10. Set up a mental health plan

Setting up a mental health plan is a big step but can be one that moves you toward management or recovery. Some workplaces and universities provide their own support through counselling services, otherwise your local GP can help you create a mental health plan and work with your employer to help you continue work.

How Jobedge Can Help

Our Jobedge Job Coaches are experts when it comes to reaching your job goals and helping you realise your full potential.  

If you’re looking for advice and support to help you navigate your mental health at work, you, get in touch with us today.

This article also features for the Fresh Jobs Campaign – an initiative by Fresh92.7 which Jobedge is proud to be a Diamond Sponsor.  

To check out this campaign and for further career and job seeking advice, visit: