Ryan and Jedeo’s Journey to Secure Stable Employment with Arjo
In just six months since starting their employment with Arjo, Jobedge participants Ryan and Jedeo have shown that anyone can…
Employers Read moreDo you need to see positive change in maintaining or improving your mental health? Are you having a tough time keeping up with work?
Sometimes we need to change things up to keep ourselves happy and healthy.
This can come about for a variety of reasons. Your current pace at work might be too fast, or your workload too heavy for your abilities.
If you’re finding it difficult to keep on top of current commitments, it might be time to set up a chat with your employer about how your mental health is going.
The first thing to remember is that your needs deserve to be met, and it is your employer’s responsibility to provide a safe workplace.
When talking to an employer, it helps to come ready with the problem “work is too fast for me” and a solution: “I work better when things are explained step-by-step, and I have a timeframe to meet my targets”.
Writing your ideas down before the meeting could help you think about your concerns and brainstorm solutions. These can be sent in an email or keep it on hand, so you don’t have to remember everything on the spot.
Communicating your need for a slightly slower pace can be an asset to your employer. Showing strengths such as these will help your employer to create the best environment for you and the best results for them. For example, more time or allowances could mean a better eye for detail, less room for errors and a higher quality of work.
Try to focus on the strengths you already see in your work or perhaps some new ones you could bring out with these changes.
Here are a few ways to communicate your needs:
“I’m really committed to work, but sometimes that means I need to slow down and have a clear plan.”
“I take pride in my work and want to produce the best work possible by avoiding errors or taking shortcuts.”
“Slowing down a little will bring out the best in me, which means I can deliver the best for the company.”
By coming to the conversation with a clear description of what needs to change and how your employer can benefit from it, you can work together to continue sustainable, long-term employment.
Our Jobedge Job Coaches are experts when it comes to reaching your job goals and helping you realise your full potential.
If you’re looking for advice and support to help you navigate your mental health at work, you, get in touch with us today.