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Employers Read moreWe all know that feeling of butterflies before going into a job interview, and it can be tricky to feel confident when your nerves get the better of you.
At Jobedge, one of the most popular questions our team receives is at Jobedge is “how do I feel confident in a job interview?” So, we asked one of our Job Doctors Carolyn Mounce to put together six of her favourite tips for calming the nerves:
Be prepared by getting there early. Pick out clothes, plan transport and get some good rest the night before, and be sure to set the alarm early to give yourself enough time to get there. You’ll feel more relaxed leading up to the interview if you are not rushing to get ready.
Slow down. To create calm, slow down your physical movement in those minutes before an interview to centre yourself. For example, you could walk a little slower, take deep, deliberate breaths, or find a focal point to send all that energy towards.
Make notes. It’s okay to make notes or ask for a question to be repeated. This can really help to calm the nerves under pressure because you have something to look back on and remind you of your knowledge and talents.
Smile. A smile can make a difference, especially when you’re in need of some morale support. If your nerves are making you start to frown, try a little smile to boost your motivation before an interview.
Stand tall. Roll back your shoulders, look up and stand or sit tall to show confidence (even if you are nervous). A simple change such as posture can bring on some extra energy, and it’s a great way to quieten anxiety.
Nerves are good, so start thinking about them differently. Here at Jobedge, we see nerves as a sign that you want to do well, and that you want the job. Most employers expect you to be nervous and will try to calm your nerves to make your interview more comfortable.
Try some of these tips in your next interview, and remember- you can do this!
Our Jobedge Mentors are experts when it comes to reaching your job goals and helping you realise your full potential.
As an organisation, Jobedge aims to Progress Together. We are committed to collaborative and inclusive discussions with all job seekers, our stakeholders, our local South Australian Community and at every level inside our organisation.
If you’re looking for advice and support to calm nerves for your next job interview, get in touch with us today.