Ryan and Jedeo’s Journey to Secure Stable Employment with Arjo
In just six months since starting their employment with Arjo, Jobedge participants Ryan and Jedeo have shown that anyone can…
Employers Read more2022 has been a big year for Jobedge, with achievements, connections and growth for our team. We wanted to reflect on some of the big events and achievements of the year and remind you of why we do what we do.
From refreshing those job searching skills, to mindset advice and industry insight, we brought you tips and tricks to support your journey into work. We showed you how to kick start your job search for the year, look for work in surprising ways and keep a positive mindset while doing so.
We also got to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our participants, who worked with a team of dedicated Jobedge Mentors to achieve their dreams of seeking out sustainable work, getting trained up and finding a new lease on life.
Jobedge connected with Ashborn Industries to support participants into sustainable roles. As a leading supplier of timber products in Australia. Ashborn Industries provides quality, safe timber products and complies with regulatory standards. Jobedge and Ashborn work together to create stable employment for many of our participants, including Kyle, Allan and Tristan.
We worked with the team over at Fresh FM, launching our mini series “What It’s Like To Work For”, where we connected to local Adelaide employers to ask the questions that our community wanted to be answered. This saw us speak with Timms Real Estate, Eldercare, the Hessel Group, and our very own Jobedge team.
R U OK day was a big one, with Job Doctors Paul and Clive chatting with the Fresh FM brekky team about closing the communication gap when it comes to discussing mental health.
October was mental health month, which gave our Job Doctors an opportunity to share their wealth of knowledge with Adelaide. Our mental health expert Carolyn Mounce joined Cass on Fresh FM’s Wavelength to break down topics such as communicating your needs in the workplace and breaking down communication barriers when it comes to mental health.
During this month, with a focus on mental health, our team answered your frequently asked questions, all about supporting your mental health in the workplace and approaching an employer.
Finishing up this year, Jobedge is incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to the disability space through our Disability Employment Services in Adelaide, and our goal for 2023 is to Progress Together. With a focus on community, we will partner with our job seekers and our team to build a culture that leads to better outcomes for all.
Together we are stronger, smarter and more empathetic. Together we can solve all problems. For us, the sum is much, much greater than the parts.
We aim to always be open to new ideas, and techniques so that we can always Progress Together.
As an organisation, we are committed to collaborative and inclusive discussions with all job seekers, our stakeholders, our local South Australian Community and at every level inside our organisation.
For us, we believe that you can only progress in anything you do when you work together.
We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and look forward to continuing to grow and support our Adelaide communities into 2023.